P.P.P. (Participating Participatory Practice)

Launched: 2016 - Ongoing

Featured exhibition: Canal Projects

“Why are artists always seen as the leaders or organizers? Why can’t you be an artist by being a participant?”

With this question in mind, P.P.P. (Participating Participatory Practice) was initiated to explore and develop more promising participatory projects. The practice encourages experiencing numerous participatory projects through active participation, from the critical perspective of both a leader and a follower.

This practice has unfolded in secrecy to maintain the genuineness of the engagement, as public revelation could compromise its authenticity.

In 2024, as part of Department of Transformation: Groundwork at Canal Projects, P.P.P. is presented publicly for the first time under the name P.P.P.P.P.P. (People! Practice Participating in Participatory Projects, Please.) and offered its example as a tool for others to use along with experimental participatory workshops.

Download the exhibition brochure here!

The practice is actively under development. Stay tuned for more updates…